Battista, World's First Pure-Electric Hyper GT, is Being Produced in Cambiano, Italy

  • 20th Jul 2022
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Battista, World's First Pure-Electric Hyper GT, is Being Produced in Cambiano, Italy

The manufacturing of the Battista, the first totally electric Hyper GT, has commenced at a brand-new Atelier in Cambiano, Italy. This structure in the Piemonte area of Italy signifies a turning point in the history of Automobili Pininfarina, a burgeoning Italian luxury automobile manufacturer.

Only 150 pieces of the award-winning Battista will ever be produced in the 2,300-square-foot factory, where a team of expert craftsmen are currently at work. Battista owners can depend on first-rate service from the company's specialised staff of Client Relations professionals and the 25 seasoned luxury partners who comprise Automobili Pininfarina's worldwide retailing network.

When questioned about putting the award-winning Battista into production, Automobili Pininfarina CEO Per Svantesson said, "I am honoured to lead the team responsible for doing so." Since the company's inception in 2018, 118 specialists from 20 nations have joined Automobili Pininfarina in Rome, Italy. We have a growing "family" of designers, engineers, and vehicle development experts in Munich and northern Italy, and every day they conceive of revolutionary new autos.

This excellent family has recently surmounted tremendous obstacles by keeping a laser-like focus on providing superior service to Battista owners. Battista, scheduled to debut at showrooms this year, is a technical and design masterpiece that promises to make the lives of its owners simpler and more enjoyable.

Within the Battista Atelier, there are fourteen unique sections, each devoted to a particular component of production or quality control. Battista's tiny fittings are created utilising both current technology, such as the Atelier's several brand-new, custom mounting rigs, and more traditional techniques and instruments, such as the repurposed, very precise pneumatic screwdrivers. Each pure-electric super GT takes ten weeks to construct, while the Battista Anniversario needs an extra eighteen weeks because to its meticulous hand-painted finish. Battistas are handcrafted by a group of ten talented artisans over around 1,250 hours. The unusual components and finish of the Battista Anniversario elevate this to an unparalleled 1,340 hours.

The electric engine, T-shaped battery, carbon fibre monocoque, and electrical equipment of the Battista all enter the first zone for examination against Automobili Pininfarina's stringent requirements.

Putting the primed Body-in-White onto the monocoque is the first stage in giving the vehicle its final form. Its 'Goccia' roof gives the Battista's cabin stiffness and robustness. The facility's major measuring area has been essential to the successful manufacturing of one-of-a-kind automobiles during the last two decades, and a two-day procedure is utilised to measure and record each dimension to the finest tolerances. The next stage is to detach the body from the chassis in order to send it to the paint facility. Plan on spending between three and four weeks on the painting process in the majority of situations.

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Namrata Parab

Namrata is a web and graphic designer with a strong urge to learn and grow every day. Her attention to details when it comes to coding web pages or creating materials for social media uploads or adding that extra flair to blogs has been commendable. She pours her spirit into any work that she undert... read more


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