Q1 2022, The Sales Record Making Quarter For Lamborghini

  • 20th Apr 2022
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Q1 2022, The Sales Record Making Quarter For Lamborghini

Italian luxury car maker Lamborghini sets a new record in the first quarter of 2022, delivering 2,539 vehicles globally, 5% more than in the same time of 2021 and 31% more than in 2020, making the first quarter of 2022 the greatest in the brand's history.

The distribution of sales remains evenly distributed among the three macroregions of EMEA (40%), America (32%), and Asia Pacific (32%). (28 percent ). 

With the exception of Russia, where the firm ceased operations, practically other markets saw significant growth, with a particular fondness for the Huracán and Aventador super sports car models, as well as the Urus super SUV.

"We are approaching a year of new global challenges on a firm platform,"
said Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini. 
Despite the risks created by a geopolitical environment that hurts us profoundly but also complicates forecasting, we are currently banking on remarkable global appeal. Each month, we get more requests than we can fulfil, which presently exceeds 12 months of output."
Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini

These remarkable accomplishments prepare the way for Lamborghini's new era of electrification, which will be ushered in with the arrival of the new V12 hybrid model in 2023.

Source: www.lamborghini.com

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Namrata Parab

Namrata is a web and graphic designer with a strong urge to learn and grow every day. Her attention to details when it comes to coding web pages or creating materials for social media uploads or adding that extra flair to blogs has been commendable. She pours her spirit into any work that she undert... read more


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